“Unfortunately, [Pence] didn’t … overturn the Election!”
[30 Jan 2022, Edited for clarity]
Washington DC
3 FEB 2022
There, in a single sentence, is the admission of an attempted constitutional coup. For some time now, overwhelming evidence has existed of multiple, overlapping, and mounting, criminal conspiracies directed toward undermining and/or destroying American democracy. Yet the general public appear to be desensitized to the gravity of the threat facing the country. Had ISIS or Russia stormed and ransacked the Capitol, flown their flag inside that building, stopped the certification of a democratic election, nearly overturned the outcome of the will of the American people, and came close to executing the top 4 of 5 leaders in the continuity of government, any normal US government would have immediately gone to war with such an enemy.
More than a year on from that day, a few hundred foot soldiers have been arrested and a congressional committee is holding meetings to investigate what happened. No special prosecutors have been appointed. No grand juries are issuing indictments. No leaders - low - mid - high - have been impacted at all. Instead, the putschist - in - chief grows emboldened (or more desperate) by the day. In addition to admitting an attempted coup, he alerted his forces that once restored to power he will pardon all those who engage in violence to achieve that end. That offer suborned future terrorist acts in support of the next putsch. The last time he called for a “wild" protest his supporters arrived en mass and thousands sacked the US Capitol. This puts his new call for “the biggest protest we have ever had” (should he be arrested) in a special light. This was nothing short of an order to his supporters to standby for civil war.
His supporters are alert and ready for further acts of mass violence. Following Jan 6, polling has revealed a “third of Americans, including 70 percent of Republicans, and 47 percent of independents” have been convinced by baseless propaganda that the election was stolen. Worse, a third of all Americans and 56% of Republicans agree violence is justified to right the wrong they believe happened. The situation is ripe for violence, possibly on some scale.
Can there be any more clear and present danger to the national security of the United States?
Yet the general public do not seem to be much concerned with the threat. In assessing why this might be the case, several hypotheses present themselves. One hypothesis is the overly cautious and legalistic language used to describe the threat by responsible media (the counter-programming by pro-coup media is another matter entirely). For example, to some, “alternate electoral slates” might seem like some kind of misunderstanding. What is being described is an illegal attempt to subvert the electoral process (at a minimum, in criminal violation of the Art II, §1 of the constitution, the 12th Amendment, and various laws in the concerned states). That activity was just one element of a complex, multifaceted, pre-mediated conspiracy to provide fake grounds for the Vice President of the United States to reject the certified vote count of the states on Jan 6, and thereby overturn the will of the American people. That is a putsch.
A second hypothesis for not taking current events as seriously as the situation dictates, is the general public might assume that violence is a necessary precondition for a successful putsch or coup d'état. This is incorrect. A putsch is “a secretly plotted and suddenly executed attempt to overthrow a government”. A coup d'état is “an illegal seizure of power by a political faction, rebel group, military, or a dictator”. Violence is not a necessary condition in either definition. The central element is the illegality of the overthrow or seizure of government. The activities of the American putschists described above is sometimes referred to as a ‘bloodless’ or ‘constitutional’ coup.
A third hypothesis is the general public are blind to the extent of the threat due to the tenants of American exceptionalism. That America is the greatest country in the world, with the best system of government, with visionary founding fathers who created a constitution so perfect that it is invulnerable to threats that plague other countries, and certainly not from a former game show host supported by a clown car full of felonious cronies. The declaration of independence and the bill of rights are exceptional documents that justify and legally guarantee the system of government articulated in the constitution. The ideas expressed therein, form the basis for the international declaration of human rights and constitutions around the world. None of that prevents a putsch if the constitution and laws are disobeyed. The rule of law is only exceptional as the people defending it.
A fourth hypothesis is the general public are overwhelmed and exhausted. This is perfectly understandable. There is so much to track - by design. It started during the 2016 campaign. Trump overwhelmed everyone with his torrent of tweets. He continued this practice is government. He pilled outrage upon outrage so that there was never enough time to separate them out and explore each one. Just as news would break about some unprecedented activity or abuse a new abuse came along to grab everyones attention. The military term for this is ‘flooding the zone’. Or ‘overwhelming the ‘x’’ (objective). ‘Speed, surprise and violence of action’ is the cornerstone of Seal Team VI’s operational credo. Wittingly or not, Trump implemented speed, surprise and violence of action, by flooding the public square with lies, inanity, hate speech, attacks on individuals or whole classes of people, and red herrings, that facilitated his widespread abuses of people and power. He overwhelmed the attention spans of everyone - not just the general public, but those in government and the media charged with keeping track of national events.
For example. Tracking the civil and criminal cases directly involving Trump (not his co-conspirators) would take a team of skilled lawyers. The tsunami of subpoenas, indictments, statements, stories, committees, grand juries, at the local, state, and federal level on Trump’s alleged personal criminal activities - let alone the wide spread alleged supporting crimes underpinning the key acts by his family, political appointees, pro-Trump deep state bureaucrats (they exists alright), informal advisers, supporters and followers - would take pages just to list, let alone assess.
Failure to successfully bring him to justice only empowers and emboldens the man and the movement. Evidence of this is on full display when they give interviews proudly outlining their criminals acts, starting with the statement at the top of this assessment.
The civil cases include, multiple rape and abuse cases, multiple fraud cases (to include a case in Scotland), multiple cases of alleged abuses of campaign funds (inauguration and paying off porn stars), and multiple cases related to Jan 6. Note, each one of these categories has more than one case currently in progress. Any one of these would have sunk any other politician before the outcome of the case.
The laundry list of criminal cases is equally as long and in multiple jurisdictions. Key among them is
Trump's lawyers pushed for months in federal courts to keep the Biden administration from turning over his White House records to the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol. At every turn, the former president lost, with the Supreme Court effectively rejecting his claim of executive privilege.
The obstruction of Justice that former Special Counsel Robert Mueller III scrutinized as part of his investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election.
Fulton County DA’s Office has opened a criminal investigation into attempted election interference by Trump.
DC Attorney General, Karl Racine, has announced a criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in provoking the Jan. 6th riots.
As Trump was challenging election results in numerous states, the NAACP and the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization say Trump tried "to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters" by pressuring state and local leaders not to certify election results.
Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance recently gained access to Trump’s tax information in the course of a criminal investigation into potential tax crimes, insurance fraud, and other financial crimes under state law.
Since March 2019, New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating allegations that the Trump Organization altered property values to avoid tax liabilities.
This list does not include new cases against Bannon, Stone, and Thomas Barrack for which Trumps’ past pardons do not apply. Nor does it include a swath of other cases related to his acts as president or sundry other cases. Nor does it include the total list of Trumps legal cases over the past thirty years. It does not include all the criminals directly connected to Trump, like his former campaign managers and other inner circle advisers. Many of whom he has pardoned and who are accused of new crimes. Another good graphic on the current major cases can be found here.
In the case of the Jan 6 Congressional Committee, having executive privilege denied by the Supreme Court, Trump associates are all invoking the protections against self incrimination provided by the 5th amendment. Trump has used this tactic multiple times throughout his long history of legal disputes.
However, when it came to political opponents using the 5th, Trump has slammed them as guilty of crimes. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment, the mob takes the Fifth," Trump declared. So using his own logic, the following examples are noteworthy for what they say about the legal trouble these individuals find themselves in - all in the service of Trump.
Eric Trump invoked the 5th 500 times in a civil case in NY
Allen Weisselberg invoked the 5th 500 times in the same case
Roger Stone invoked the 5th over 100 times, indeed to every single question before the Jan 6 Committee
Alex Jones invoked the 5th amendment more than 100 times before the Jan 6 Committee
John Eastman invoked the 5th 146 times before the Jan 6 Committee
Jeffrey Clark has declared his intention to invoke the 5th before the Jan 6 Committee
Many more have yet to appear and/or their conduct before the committee has not yet been publicly disclosed.
No doubt all future respondents to the committee who fear legal repercussions for speaking freely about their conduct will adopt the same posture.
A fifth hypothesis is the general public are too busy trying to survive covid, navigate related socio-economic upheaval, struggling to pay the bills and live day to day, that they have shut down on the deeper issues surrounding the transformation of American politics and what it means to them.
All of these hypotheses are in play and have different impacts for different people. They obscure and confuse the immediate for the important. If America ceases to be a democracy, it will be too late for the public to do something about it. The time for attention and action is here, and now. This is why the failure of the public to grasp the gravity of the moment is so dangerous.
The US faces a vital threat to national security
A violent assault on the US Capitol is not legitimate political discourse. That the GOP thought they could get away with that Orwellian double speak only reinforces the point that everything associated with that event needs to be reframed so that the general public can grasp what is going on. Consequently, how we communicate about the threat has to change. A threat to the constitution, a threat to democracy, is a national security threat regardless of its source.
There are two ways to get what you want from someone who disagrees with you. Persuasion or death. One is hard, takes time, will result in frustration, neither side will get what they want, and the whole thing will end in compromise everyone dislikes. The other is fast, to the point, and gets total results (at least initially). One is called politics, the other war.
A (small p) patriot is someone who supports the constitution. Full Stop. A Patriot (capital P) is someone who has been tricked by propaganda into thinking they are saving the constitution by destroying it (Jan 6). The constitution is a rule book that outlines how disagreement is mediated by laws via accepted institutions. Anyone who seeks to impose their will outside of the rules is an enemy of the constitution. Whether they are Robert E Lee, Usama bin Laden, Vladimir Putin or Donald J Trump. An enemy of the constitution is a threat to US national security.
Trump seeks restoration to power as soon as possible for one key purpose: resumption of the immunity executive privilege affords an incumbent president. The same motivations apply to his entire radicalized political movement from the leadership to the rank and file. Once the leader regains executive privilege he can resume issuing pardons for the crimes that resulted in the resumption of power. This executive privilege loop is a powerful incentive for the commission of ever greater and more malignant crimes by an ever widening circle of accomplices, right down to the storm troopers who destroyed the Capitol and who are now, inter alia, working to intimidate and threaten local election offices into handing over the next election on a fake pretest of fraud.
This is why we should expect the pressure for a second putsch to spread and intensify. This is equally why we must see the threat for what it is and stop it in the interests of national security.
Executive privilege protects the incumbent president from the rule of law. The putschists seek to regain control of the US government at all costs in order to regain this protection. In pursuit of that objective, the former President and putschist in chief, announced the following: admission of his intent to overthrow democracy (noted at the top of this article); plan to release violent prisoners who attempted an insurrection; suborn followers to engage in future politically motivated violence against the constitution via the implied offer of future blanket pardons; this is in accordance with past activities to suborn followers to engage in extra-constitutional political activities such as illegal interference in the proper functioning of the electoral college; or attempts to threaten the safety and security of the Vice President of the United States should he not throw the election for Trump; or threats against federal government officials to “Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me”; or plan to order (or order) the Department’s of Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security to seize voting machines from local election offices nationwide; or to threaten local election officials to overthrow the election; and many other serious felonies too numerous to list.
Based on his detailed and extensive attempts to mount a putsch in 2021, his frequent statements regarding three or more terms, and his need to retain power to keep the law from the door; it is a safe assumption that if he is able to retake power, he will not relinquish it at any cost.
The same patterns of radicalization and extremism we witnessed in terrorist groups in Iraq and Afghanistan, are replicated in the Trump movement. They reject any viewpoint other than their own. They label anyone who disagrees as a traitor. They demonize opponents as non-human and evil. This kind of thinking has already resulted in Trump people calling for mass executions of democrats and sitting members of congress suggesting democrats need to be shot. These are not one-off events. Trump himself implied Hilary Clinton should be assassinated. Congressman Gaetz proclaimed the second amendment was for “armed rebellions against the government”. This was repeated by Congressman Cawthorn. Congresswoman Boebert has supported arms for political purposes throughout her storied career including valorizing armed mobs invading state capitols. Rep’s Massie and Boebert’s Christmas cards celebrating assault rifles right after mass shootings was not particularly subtle nor christian. Rep Gosar used a cartoon to trivialize the murder of democrats as a harmless joke. Political cartoons have long been used to desensitize people and normalize political violence. This topic has been covered before here on Civl Wars II.
Last week the Biden Administration announced the elimination of the head of ISIS. This is an impressive counter-terrorist (CT) operation, particularly as it was decided to put boots on the ground in an effort to minimize civilian casualties. Yet it raises an important question. Which has the capacity to do more damage to the constitution? To the normal functioning of our economy, politics and society? To our way of life? ISIS or the Trump movement? ISIS may strike the homeland, although the chances of that have been significantly undermined after two decades of the war on terror. Donald Trump on other other hand has millions of angry and armed supporters spread right across the country, many of whom have openly stated their commitment to violence. He has just put them on alert. He has now openly stated his intent to attack to the constitution, an objective that was never really concealed. He has a far greater chance of damaging America than ISIS. Knocking down a building does not compare to shredding the constitution and installing a dictator for life.
Politically, Trump seeks dictatorship. Operationally, he uses his vast base as a terror organization to threaten and intimidate anyone who does not agree with him. Accordingly, Trump is the leader of a radical extremist terror network whose aim is the destruction of the US Constitution, subversion of democracy, and substitution of the will of the people via the electoral process to the will of the people as interpreted by one man. The leader. The embodiment of the will of the people - “I alone can fix it”.
For the aforestated reasons, Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States, the leadership and members of his radical extremist movement are a terrorist threat to US national security.
Trump himself insisted that it was essential to call a terror threat by its name. “We will not defeat it with closed eyes or silent voices,” he added. “Anyone who cannot name our enemy is not fit to lead this country.” Accordingly, going forward, the domestic enemy of the United States should be known as the Trump Terror Network (#TTN).
The DOJ needs to separate those espousing a political viewpoint (legal) from members of the #TTN. Members of the #TTN need to be investigated as a national security priority. There is a model for this program. The DOJ and homeland security spent considerable resources identifying radical islamic terrorists within the community. The same effort needs to be put in place to identify #TTN members from regular conservative Americans.
This will be a controversial recommendation. Not least because it will need to be applied to mainstream white people whose idea of patriotism is dedication to the destruction of the constitution. Yet not acting is far more dangerous than calling the threat by its name and acting on that threat.
The insurrection achieved many of its objectives.
“Revolutionary action more often than not was a theatrical concession to the desires of violently discontented masses rather than an actual battle for power. After all, it did not make much difference if a few thousand almost unarmed people staged a march on Rome and took over the government Italy.” Hannah Arendt, p.263 Origins of Totalitarianism.
The GOP live in fear of the mob they have created. The fear is of two kinds - fear of being primaried and fear of physical danger to themselves and their families should they resist or speak out in anyway against the dictator and his stormtroopers. The 147 members of congress that voted to overturn the election hours after the glass broke did so predominantly out of this fear.
“He is using his supporters as his own kind of militia,” said Douglas Brinkley, a professor of history at Rice University. Mr. Trump, he said, was essentially telling his followers to “be ready because this could end up being the new civil war.” Asked to denounce domestic terrorists during a presidential debate, Trump instead told them to stand back and standby. Those groups understood the mobster-speak perfectly well.
Proud Boys organizer Joe Biggs also posted after the debate that he was "standing by," and he said the president "basically said to go f--- them up."
"President Trump told the proud boys to stand by because someone needs to deal with ANTIFA... well sir! we're ready!!" Biggs wrote.
Beyond the Proud Boys, a range of extremist groups turned to violence on 1/6. The Oath Keepers are under indictment for seditious conspiracy. They had “QRFs” or quick reaction forces armed with assault rifles ready to rush to the scene and start shooting.
As the mob ranged the halls of congress with zip ties looking for members and senators, Trump alerted them that Vice President Mike Pence had betrayal the cause by not overturning the election. This triggered the mob to start yelling “hang Mike Pence” as they searched for him. When I interviewed Dakota Adams, the son of Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes, I asked him if he believed the mob would have killed Pence given the opportunity. “Absolutely. That was a Lynch mob” was his reply (6 Feb 22).
Anyone who speaks out of turn is immediately targeted as a traitor and subject to public ridicule and shaming. Sen Ted Cruz found this out to his peril when he commented that those who attacked law enforcement on 1/6 were terrorists. Extremist propagandist Tucker Carlson publicly dressed down Senator Cruz humiliating him for noting that people who kill cops are terrorists. This from the propaganda arm of the ‘law and order’ party. Cruz submitted. Not because he thought that would win over the #TTN at the next election - an abject impossibility - but out of fear for his safety. “The aim of totalitarian education (and propaganda) has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any.” (Arendt p.468)
Conservative republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have paid a heavy price for fulfilling their duties as members of a congressional committee charged with uncovering what really happened on 1/6. Their own party censured them for “persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse” which is about the most perfect expression of the mass insanity that is currently destroying the GOP. Again, any resistance to the terror movement now in control will be crushed.
Now that Pence has confronted Trump’s declared intent to overturn the election, it will be interesting to see what consequences follow. Pence said “I heard this week, President Trump said I had the right to ‘overturn the election’. President Trump is wrong… I had no right to overturn the election.” He also added that supporting Trump will lead to dictatorship. “The truth is there’s more at stake than our party or our political fortunes,” he said. “If we lose faith in the Constitution, we won’t just lose elections — we’ll lose our country.”
The death knell for the Weimar Republic came through parliamentary processes aided by a corresponding program of terror.
From the 9/11 attacks, to decisive loss of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the 2008 economic crash, the Charlottesville rally in 2017, the 2020 civil rights protests, the 2020 global pandemic, and the 2020 attempted coup d’état; the US has suffered one wrenching crisis after another in quick accelerating succession. None have been fully mitigated, let alone well managed. Indeed, their effects are compounding and apply unequally across society. This track record is accelerating the already quite advanced erosion of faith in American democracy. As crisis follows crisis, norms are on the march toward embrace of dictatorship.
The #TTN has successfully created an environment of fear and instability. It paints anyone who disagrees with its plan to install a dictatorship as a traitor, a representative of pure evil, who must be silenced by any means necessary. It uses nationalistic and religious symbols and slogans to present its program as sanctified by a power above the people. Thus destruction of democracy is made legitimate in the eyes of believers. Threatened tyranny is so frightful to people that they will seek actual tyranny.
Once lost, democracy will be particularly difficult to regain. If the #TTN is allowed to succeed there will be no cavalry riding to the rescue. Unlike Europe in WWII, there is no America ready to come in and save America from the #TTN. We will be on our own. Heavily armed. Divided and at war.
Update 4 July 2022
CREW - Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington - has just released a staggering table of likely Federal crimes committed by Trump that eclipses what Civil War II reported above. As suggested, this list excludes state crimes.
Donald Trump has been credibly accused of committing at least 48 criminal offenses while he was serving as President of the United States or campaigning for that office.
Here is just a sampling of the crime spree. For the full list click here.
Update - 14 July 2023
Friends and Associates of Donald Trump that are pedophiles
Maga and the GOP generally will reflexively call anyone they don’t like “a groomer”. This obsession with child sexual exploitation is curious.
The information below is the complete text of a tweet posted 14 July 2023 by “Farce News Channel” aka @PresidntTicTac. It is striking that Trump has so many associates involved in this world. The same poster added another posting that is worth including in full - posted below in sequence.
[See also Why Republicans Are Smearing Everyone As Pedophiles Now: Conspiracy theories work on different levels, New York Magazine, 5 April 2022]
Post 1
With all the talk about child sex trafficking going on, I thought I'd offer up a bit of trivia. Guess which President has the record for number of friends that are pedophiles?
Hint: You're not going to believe it. If your answer was President Donald Trump with 9 you are correct.
I don't think any President will ever beat his record.
It's like Joe DiMaggio's 56-Game Hitting Streak. Tom Brady's 7 Superbowl wins. Wayne Gretzky's 2,857 career points. Bill Russell's 11 NBA championships.
Donald Trump is the G.O.A.T. when it comes to having friends and associates that are pedophiles.
#1. Jeffrey Epstein A friend of Trump’s for decades, Epstein was arrested on July 6, 2019, on federal charges for the sex trafficking of minors. The indictment charged Epstein with sexually exploiting and abusing “dozens” of underage girls at his homes in Manhattan, Palm Beach, and other locations for two decades. The total number of girls that were abused is unknown but is estimated to be over 100. Trump talked about Epstein in a 2002 interview with New York Magazine “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” Epstein’s notorious “black book” of contacts, compiled largely by Ghislaine Maxwell, shows the rarefied circles in which he traveled—Nobel laureates, heads of states, British royals, Wall Street power brokers, and A-listers in every glamour profession. Trump had no fewer than 16 phone numbers beside his name in Epstein’s black book.
#2. Ghislaine Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein had a decades-long association with the British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, leading to her 2021 conviction on U.S. federal charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy for helping him procure girls, including a 14-year-old, for child sexual abuse and prostitution. Trump was friends with Maxwell for decades. After Maxwell’s arrest for sex trafficking, President Trump famously “wished her well.” Maxwell told reporters "I was very touched that he would remember me and that he would wish me well. And I was very touched by his remembrance of me. It gave me a big boost.”
#3. Prince Andrew Virginia Roberts Giuffre was one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims who says she was coerced into having sex with Prince Andrew three times when she was a teenager. "It didn't last very long, the whole entire procedure. It was disgusting. Um, he wasn't mean or anything, but he got up and he said, 'thanks,' and walked out. And I sat there in bed just horrified and ashamed." Because of his involvement Prince Andrew was stripped of his royal and military honors by his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II. He has now been evicted from Buckingham Palace by his brother King Charles and has been told to find a new place to live immediately. Donald Trump said this about Prince Andrew in a 2000 People Magazine interview "He's not pretentious. He's a lot of fun to be with."
#4. Anton Lazzaro A Republican donor convicted of sex trafficking teenage girls. He was found guilty of seven counts involving five girls aged 15 and 16. Prosecutors argued during the trial that Lazzaro enlisted his co-defendant Gisela Castro Medina, who he initially paid for sex, to recruit other teenagers – preferably minors – who were white, small, vulnerable or “broken”. Pictures on Lazzaro’s social media accounts showed him with prominent Republicans, including former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence.
#5. John Casablancas Friend of Trump that ran Elite Model Agency. Teenage Elite models in the late 80s and early 90s were required to attend private dinners with Donald Trump, John Casablancas, and other men. Heather Braden, an Elite model, in the late 90s, alleges that she was instructed to go to a party in a mansion on one of the islands near Miami Beach where she witnessed Donald Trump and three famous actors, who she refused to name, prey on dozens of young models isolating many into bedrooms or other parts of the mansion, “Clearly, we were there for one reason. We were just pieces of meat.”. According to witness Shayna Love, an Australian model who was 16, “It was presented as our duty as models at the agency. It wasn’t an invitation. It was like, you have to go and do this.” Love recalls attending a dinner with John Casablancas and Donald Trump “This time it was a private area, a big table and lots of girls – I’d say around 10 to 15 of us, all between the ages of 14 and 18. It was just us models, Trump and John. We were all underage, but we were offered drinks.” Love said she went home early, but other children stayed. Eli Nessa, an Elite Model, stated, “We were a bunch of kids, just put there with all these older men.”
#6. Tevfik Arif A former Soviet trade minister whose company Bayrock (co-owned with gangster Felix Sater) collaborated with Trump on at least four projects in Florida, New York, and Arizona. Bayrock also scouted potential Trump deals in Russia. Information obtained by the US Senate Select Committee suggests Arif was involved in Russian organized crime, money laundering and human trafficking dating back to at least 2000. He was arrested in a Turkish prostitution sting. Authorities busted him aboard the world’s largest luxury yacht and accused him of linking up wealthy businessman with Russian and Ukrainian hookers, some of them underage. Following his arrest, Arif denies involvement in prostitution or human trafficking. He says the women were invited as guests of the businessmen.
#7. Ali Alexander Alexander is the founder of the campaign to push the conspiracy that Donald Trump was the actual winner of the 2020 election. He hosted a rally outside the Capitol on January 6, 2021, that fed the subsequent riot. One accuser, Aidan Duncan, said that Alexander asked him for nude pictures in 2017 when Duncan was 15. The then-32-year-old Alexander told Duncan that as long as he was silent about their interactions, he'd introduce the teen to his far-right network. Alexander publicly apologized for asking teenage boys and young men for sexually explicit images.
#8. George Nader Nader was an adviser to Donald Trump's presidential transition team. He was sentenced in June 2020 to 10 years in prison and a lifetime of supervised release for transporting a child into the country for sex and possessing child pornography. Nader had been investigated and convicted of similar conduct in the past. In 1991, after being convicted of transporting child pornography in Alexandria, he was given a six-month sentence. In 2003, he was sentenced to a year in prison in the Czech Republic for soliciting underage boys.
#9. Roy Cohn Roy Cohn was Donald Trump's attorney from 1973 to 1985. Trump met him in 1973 in a Manhattan nightclub. The two became friends, allies, business associates. Some say Cohn was Trump's mentor, or even his surrogate father. Cohn was a gay pedophile who abused boys on both sides of the Atlantic. Roy Cohn had connections to the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring in London, a pedophile network that overlapped with abuse rings in the US. The Kincora Boys’ Home was in Belfast, Northern Ireland and was the scene of serious organized child sexual abuse, causing a scandal and attempted cover-up in 1980. One of the boys Cohn abused was Richard Kerr from the Kincora Boys’ Home. Cohn selected Kerr from the home and took him to Venice for sexual abuse in 1977. Richard Kerr stated that “Cohn didn’t talk too much and just took me up to the room and we had an encounter. I believe that I was there three or four days.” Roy Cohn died from AIDS in 1986.
Post 2
I recently created a meme with descriptions of Donald Trump and his 6 child sex trafficker friends and associates and another meme with his 9 pedophile friends and associates.
Thanks to people on Twitter sending me additional names, I’ve done some more research and have come up with a mixed bag of other pedophile associates of Trump. I’m guessing this list will become significantly longer. Warning, the Ruben Verastigui story is especially disturbing. I’ve fudged the words a bit so that I don’t get the boot from Twitter. It also helps to take the edge off. It is horrific.
#1. Tim Nolan Tim Nolan pleaded guilty to 21 counts involving human trafficking, trading heroin for sex with women – some of them tenants, some of them underage. There were 19 victims over a 10-year span. One of the reasons Nolan's story drew national attention was because of his role in the Trump presidential campaign. Nolan served as a Trump-supporting delegate in April 2016 at the Kentucky Republican Convention. He was also the county chairman of Trump’s campaign. After the arrest Team Trump stated that Nolan was not the county chairman, just an enthusiastic volunteer. Nolan told The Cincinnati Enquirer, "I was clearly chairman for the caucus. I guess because of my current difficulties, they want to put some distance from me.” Nolan agreed to serve 20 years as a result of the plea agreement.
#2. Ralph Shortey Trump's Oklahoma campaign chair was charged with several felonies, including engaging in child prostitution, after police found him in a hotel room with a 17-year-old male. Shortey plead guilty to a charge of child sex trafficking in exchange for U.S. prosecutors' dropping three child pornography charges against him. The child pornography was of both males and females. Shortey faces a minimum of 10 years in prison on the child sex trafficking charge.
#3. Adam Hageman A Trump Commerce Department official and Turning Point USA ex-employee was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison for child pornography possession Adam Hageman, 25 shared a child pornography video and commenting several times on sexually abusing chil*ren as captured in graphic messages in an online chat. In the memo, prosecutors accused Hageman of encouraging people in an online group to rape chil*ren and soliciting group members to share chil* pornography. Hageman indicated that his preference was chil*ren aged 12 to 16 and said that the youngest person he had sex with was 15 years old.
#4. Ruben Verastigui A staffer who helped design social media ads for Donald Trump’s re-election campaign was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison for receiving hundreds of child sexual abuse materials, including videos of b%bies being r%ped. "Verastigui discussed in great detail how much he enjoyed seeing children getting r%ped and kill*d.” prosecutors said.
#5. Andy Lucchesi In the 1990's Donald Trump hosted parties with cocaine and underage models when he owned the Plaza Hotel. He would invite young models so that they could meet his affluent, older friends — who could give them major career boosts. Male model Andy Lucchesi (who now runs the multi-million dollar company Locke Managment) told the Daily Beast that he helped Trump organize the events. "Trump would never partake of the cocaine, but more than often indulged in sex. A lot of girls, 14, look 24. That's as juicy as I can get. I never asked how old they were; I just partook. I did partake in activities that would be considered controversial."
#6. William Riddleberger That was heavy stuff. I'm still overwhelmed. I'll end this horrifying post with some comic relief (except for the victim ... not funny for her). People that visited the Trump Dating website were greeted with images of Jodi and William Barrett Riddleberger. The dating site aims to match fellow Trump supporters. The married couple are conservative activists involved in a Tea Party-inspired political action committee. It turns out that William Riddleberger was convicted in 1995 of indecent liberties with a child stemming from filming sex with a 15-year-old girl. He was then 25. His image has been removed from the website.
Here are related unverified lists of Maga and GOP “groomers”.




This is my issue with maga turning their own behavior into accusations - aka - projection of their “lifestyle” on others.
This is an outstanding (and overwhelming) assessment. You’ve clearly put an enormous amount of effort into the process of compiling, annotating and assessing the situation. I think you’ve nailed the reason for Republican inaction. It’s not as simple as money nor is it surmountable with calls to respect The Constitution. These officials are truly scared of the consequences of bucking the movement. Kudos to Cheney and Kennsinger. They are demonstrating the fortitude and patriotism the Patriots sadly lack.