Washington DC 3 FEB 2025
Inside knowledge of a country's moves, the biggest economy in the world in fact. Not a bad scam.
So you threaten tarriffs, Elon and friends short the market, shares plumet, they make billions, laugh, have another cocktail.
Then have your con artist frontman show “mercy” to allies and neighbors… but only arter you have drained the market and terrified everyone.. this keeps the proles busy so they don't see you stripping the Treasury of data on everyone and maybe, just maybe, tweaking a few lines of payment code along the way.
How many times will they play this delightful little trick?
The Biden crime family? Not so much… This 3 card monte makes Kushner’s Arabian nights look like a dollar store sale.
No one is going to do a thing about it. FBI and DOJ? SORRY they are a little busy right now. Even if it got to a court in 3 years time, they just appeal to the Supremes like they always do. Remember to pay off tip your justices. An RV and a holiday gives you unfettered access to the stock market and treasury. They bought Alito and Uncle Tom cheap.
When will people realise we are long past normal?
Welcome to Russia circa 1993.