National Security Threat Alert
QANON thinking has destroyed the top levels of the GOP and is the #1 threat to US national security
Washington DC 1 June 2022
Denver Riggleman, a former Republican Member of Congress and NSA intel analyst on data/evidence of coup plot from texts to/from Mark Meadows that have not yet been released.
Important to remember: Comments in the interview below relate to communications among top Republican politicians - not the GOP base or the Q base - if indeed there is any distinction any more. It shows that the party has been hijacked by ideological fantasists. Common sense has been decimated. There is no way legislative politics can return to any kind of normal with this mentality in control of a party. The system needs a release value and its next to impossible to see one without some flare up of major violence.
Former Rep. Riggleman’s key points follow: "All 3 branches of Govt are involved" in the coup plot and Q thinking and Russian disinformation were rampant. Text among right wing politicians “almost looked like a holy war”. Fantasy thinking prevails. He cites an example of demands for spells from wizards that “high ups in the Administration” would say ”oh thats interesting, I wonder if it is true”. “No body pushed back”, they would tacitly agree or say “this is the plan that we need to do”.
The submission of the GOP to Q idiocy should not surprise anyone. It has been a long time coming and its has extremely dangerous consequences.
The warnings have been issued from various quarters over the decades since the second world war.
In priority order, these three books will explain the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the rise of Q based fanaticism in America. In short, the string of crises from 9/11 until today, war, economic collapse, plague, rapid technological and social change, created deep fears in vulnerable populations that have been manipulated by powerful forces to undermine the American way of life.
The foundations and impulse were always there. It was not until these were supercharged by the social media algorithm - that is designed to maximize “engagement”, which in politics equates to “outrage” - that Q fantasies could become mainstream. What was once fringe is now mainstream. It is on the verge of subverting the will of the people and the institutions upon which the rule of law depend.
Q is a greater threat to the US than AQ for the following reasons:
They do not need to invade. They are already here. There is no Mason-Dixon line with pro and anti-democratic forces on different sides of a line wearing differently colored uniforms. They are intermixed throughout society, look just like anyone else, and are heavily armed.
By their own admission they have abandoned the constitution and reject democracy.
They are simply not interested in discussions or negotiations. A common theme is ‘the time for talk has passed’.
The demonization of their opponents is a key stage in the dehumanization process that provides an internal justification for killings.
They have shown that they are willing to engage in mass violence for political ends.
They are very well armed in preparation for going to war with the state.
They continue to issue threats of violence against all who disagree with them.
They continue to follow a radical political agenda designed to position them to follow the ‘fake slate’ program at the next presidential election.
They are using fear and intimidation to stack local election offices, state party machines, change secretary’s of state and other leadership positions to people willing to overrule the popular will of the electorate.
They have a political and a paramilitary operation.
They have captured a major political party. Any members of the GOP not fully on board with the radical Q agenda are silenced out of fear of the mob.
While some of their organized paramilitary units are in legal battles, many are not. Moreover, the formation of yet more paramilitary organizations is underway and all are enjoying big jumps in recruitment. Finally, there will be spontaneously forming groups. All will operate like ISIS within a cellular network free from hierarchical nodes. Command and control will continue to be via social media, thinly veiled/coded statements by the leader, and various senior henchmen and proxies.
Q forces are highly agitated, vocal and on the march. This will only intensify if/when they receive any pushback, that will be used by them to feed their victimization narrative.
Their sense of invulnerability and power grows with each passing day they are not held to account for their norm-busting and in many cases criminal activities.
AQ never had a hope of gaining widespread support among the American population. They did not infiltrate all branches of government and suborn a major political party. They did not conduct a bottom-up takeover of local democratic institutions (from election offices to school boards) with the aim of overthrowing the popular will of the electorate. They were not supported by an extremist propaganda ecosystem backed by billionaires, constantly churning out disinformation, misdirection and lies to promote their cause. AQ never had a hope of doing more than causing some physical damage and triggering the security state to over-react at home and abroad. There was never a chance that AQ would destroy American democracy.
The interview above foreshadows the evidence the January 6 Committee will put before the public. After all the books that have come out that have disclosed the extraordinary anti-democratic activities, orders and beliefs of Q forces, there is evidentially still much more material along these lines yet to be revealed.
The problem is that Q forces are not interested in any of it. They have been pre-configured to disbelieve and distrust “mainstream” America. Inevitably their response will be that it is all a plot to discredit them and take away their power. That “mainstream” America is the true enemy and must be violently resisted in the name of “freedom”.
How this manifests is an interesting question. Lone gunmen is a guarantee. The next threshold will be emergence of small cells of Q paramilitaries (2 or more) conducting terrorist attacks. Remember the mayhem caused by the Washington snipers. That is an excellent model for insurgency tactics that will also include assassination of pre-identified enemies like Dr Fauci, Rep. Cheney and other members of the J6C, prosecutors in GA and NY, local election officials, and members of the GOP designated as traitors and RINOs; drive-by shootings at ‘enemy’ events; and vehicular attacks. The next threshold after that will be use of more sophisticated “stand off” or remote systems like IEDs and drones armed with home-made explosives.
Much will depend on how the government responds. Any response will create more problems - crack down too hard and you provide a terrorist recruitment tool - “see we told you the deep state would try and take away our rights” - or failure to crack down enough, thereby creating a permissive environment for more violence.
The key question will be whether law enforcement can hold together in coherent units supporting the constitution or whether there will be splinter groups who reject lawful orders and either sit it out or join the armed resistance. Given the even distribution of pro and anti democratic forces throughout society, it would be unwise to assume these divisions do not exist in law enforcement. There is a reason why there was an immediate investigation into extremism in law enforcement and the military in the aftermath of Jan 6.
Typically, a trigger is needed. If the former president and/or members of his family are arrested that would qualify as a major event. Anticipating the possibility of this outcome the former president has yet again publicly told his militia to standby - promising to free jailed “political prisoners” and notifying anyone interested in engaging in violence that they will be rewarded with a pardon once he is returned to power. Those who already face criminal proceedings have a strong incentive to commit more crimes to put the leader back in power. They will get pardons and he will get executive privilege and thus freedom from prosecution. There will be no incentive to restore democracy under those conditions.
Another scenario is a re-run of the 2020 plan in 2024 - having all the time to put the right officials in place across the system. Of course, what the Q fanatics don’t consider is having the tables turned on them. Imagine Vice President Harris endorsing fake electors from blue states and declaring the democrat candidate duly elected - which by then might be herself. There are so many possible variations on how democracy ends. What is not in doubt is the Q lunatics will do their fanatical best to get the outcome they want and that almost certainly will involve mass violence.
America is in a very dangerous moment.