The result of 60-plus years (it started at the 1959 21st Party Congress) of KGB* disinformation, “active measures,” and strategic deception counterintelligence operations waged against us and our NATO allies. *Today’s SVR and FSB

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💯 you may enjoy this article in exactly that issue


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Regarding Oleg Kalugin (whom Rick Wilson quotes in his fine article), one must ask why he trashed Tennent H. Bagley’s book, “Spy Wars,” and why he says Yuri Nosenko (1962 & 1964) and Vitaly Yurchenko (1985) were true defectors.

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Never trust a Russian spy. Even in that quote. Who knows how many pay master's he had. Equally, interesting he said it at that time.

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As James Angleton said, "A double agent will tell you 98 percent truth and 2 percent lies and really mess you up, boy."

Or words to that effect.

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Your comment just sent me down a rabbit hole on Bagley… married a Hungarian and never returned from Brussels? Back to your Jesus James quote although old friends had stories about him that I do recall seeing elsewhere.

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I agree with author John M. Newman in his 2022 book, "Uncovering Popov's Mole," where he says Angleton lacked confidence and required a father figure, ergo his being duped by both Kim Philby and by his confidant, mentor, and mole-hunting superior, Bruce Leonard Solie in the Office of Security. During a tape-recorded meeting on 29 June 1964 between Angleton, Murphy, Ray Rocca and Anatoliy Golitsyn (during which Angleton and Murphy tried in vain to talk Golitsyn into resuming his cooperation with Solie), Angleton said Solie's department (either the Security Research Staff where he was deputy chief or the Research Branch of the SRS where he was chief) was the part of the CIA he was certain wasn't penetrated.

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I wrote the Wikipedia article on Bagley which you may enjoy reading. He ripped CIA's official spokesman on Nosenko, John L. Hart, a "new one" during his November 1978 HSCA testimony. Hart had defamed Bagley and his boss in the Soviet Russia Division, David E. Murphy, a few months earlier in his HSCA testimony.

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Seek help.

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