The future you’ve described is very dark, but am I a Pollyanna to think that the House of Reps will definitely switch to Dem control in the 2026 midterms and there will be a check on MAGA power?

Another possible (perhaps likely) scenario: the streets are filled with protestors against Trump and his policies. Trump invokes the insurrection act, and orders a number of protesters shot. This happens a few more times and again more protesters are shot. This will effectively put an end to protests.

I also think that we will have no more than four years of Trump and that we will have elections again. I just can’t see how Trump or Vance could affect such big changes. On the other hand, Trump can just say “that’s what the people want because they voted me in and I promised no more elections.” I could totally see him trying to push for that.

Also, if Vance does try to take power, and Trump is still alive, I think we are going to see an interesting battle. It could be peaceful, however, if Vance convinces the party to invoke the 25th amendment. Vance, however, doesn’t have the same cult following as Trump so a huge swath of the base would be angry.

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Nov 9
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Thanks for reading and commenting. Trump has "joked" (as he does) more than 20 times about exceeding term limits. I agree that it's more likely he will claim a people's mandate.

As you suggest Vance is the Wild Card. The techbroocracy put him there and funded Trump. What they give they can take away. It will be popcorn worthy bc V does not have Ts charisma and ability to Jedi mind trick the public. "This is not the president you are looking for".

I have to admit to a huge analytical failure. Of all the scenarios, I never considered T could win, let alone in a landslide. This stems from the lengths he went to try to steal it last time. His ever more outrageous statements were so repugnant and death panels for women suggested to me he had no hope. Turns out the people had been so massaged by propaganda that they loved the hate on offer.

I was also surprised the Dems did not constantly say the economy was the best ever - which it is... And call T out for all his faults. They should have been very trumpian in their insistence that everything was great. Libs are weak like that, fearing bring called out for overstating some stat by 2%. That completely misses the point.

All the groups that turned to him are going to find out. A have a Mexican friend. "Oh he won't deport me" he said, "He just wants the criminals". I have never asked his status but noted "well, sure. You know to Trump coming here illegally is a crime"....

The next time a George Floyd type event happens, I wonder if all the black men will remember it was T that promised total cop immunity to back his white nationalism? For profit prison stocks no doubt soared too.

And so on....

If we have elections again, it will be like Iran. The outcome is predetermined and the system cooked. T quoted Stalin saying who counts the vote is more important than who votes. An adviser taught him that as they were cooking up some scheme.

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